Do not excite love. #BibleBeforeBreakfastwithPastorM

Songs of Solomon 3:5 MSG
Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem, by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer: Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready.

Valentine’s around the corner and love is in the air. There is a lot of pressure going on for singles especially ladies but do not feel pressured to enter a relationship until you’re ready. Don’t enter a relationship because everyone is doing it or telling you it’s time. Don’t let the pressure of being single while everyone seems to be in a relationship make you do anything you might live to regret.

Things to do while you are single.

1. Pray
Let your heart be so hid in Christ that the man who comes for your heart would have to get to Jesus first. You would have standards  and not settle for less.

Spend time praying and build a relationship with God.

  Don’t accept anything lesser than the purest form of love simply because you are desperate for love. You would recognize true love when you see it because you have an intimate relationship with God who loves you truly.

2. Finding your purpose: Spend time discovering your purpose and who you are. 

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
Amos 3:3 NIV

It is when you know your purpose, you know who fits into it and who you agree with .

3. Prepare: Learn, read books, read your Bible and prepare yourself to be ready for marriage.

4. Plan. Have a plan for your life and stick to the plan. Be flexible. Marry for where you’re going and not where you are. The person you want to be by your side should fit into your plans plans not derail you.

5. Have fun: Enjoy yourself.  Travel. Save. Learn something new and have fun doing it. Learn life skills like cooking,  driving and swimming.  Go to the spa, watch movies. Just learn new things and have fun while at it.


1. Enjoy yourself

2. Find time to pray and have an intimate relationship with God.

3. Take time out to read the Bible so you can find purpose and  establish a plan for your life.

4. Take time to ask God to fill up your life so you are not pressured by happenings around you.

Link to today’s episode .

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